Az ALTEO részvényei a Budapesti Értéktőzsde Prémium kategóriájába kerültek
Including ALTEO, 18 companies are now in the category comprising the largest and most liquid equities at the BSE. The dynamically developing energy service provider and trading company made an initial public offering in autumn 2016, previously appeared with a technical introduction on the stock exchange and implemented several successful bond programs as well.
“ALTEO appeared on the domestic market almost 1 decade ago, and since then we are developing our portfolio with the aim of providing reliable energy supply, energy efficiency and climate awareness. Along with this strategy, we are steadily and consciously striving to exploit investment opportunities for growth. On the stock market, we have been targeting the BSE’s Premium category from the beginning and plan to be one of the major issuers” – said Attila Chikán jr., CEO of ALTEO.