Our customer base is at least as diverse as our service and product portfolio. In order to make our customers feel that they are our number one priority, we work with them in a flexible and effective manner, taking individual needs into account.
We are encouraged by positive operational experience and customer demand for reliable, customer-focused traders in the energy market to further expand our customer base, by creating competitive offers tailored to each consumption location. Our core business is direct sale to consumers that means we can offer benefits resulting from competitive energy sources and a varied balancing group for that purpose. We promote the setting of favourable prices tailored to consumption locations and consumer habits by providing targeted advice on energy efficiency. In addition, we ensure that different consumer needs are met through flexible contractual and payment arrangements.
Interaction with customers is based on daily communication, which is firmly embedded in the everyday life of our sites. This connection, which involves close cooperation between the relevant operational levels through the online transmission of operational data via the daily reporting system, also provides an important channel for learning about customers’ needs and requirements. Another important means of communication is the customer visits system, which is operated within the framework of the satisfaction management system.
Commercial partners
On the electricity wholesale market, the ALTEO Group has both long and short-term sales contracts with international and Hungarian partners, concluded on the basis of framework agreements. Our company has the ability to buy and sell on Hungarian and international energy exchanges. In terms of numbers, our retail activity covers the majority of our customers, whose numbers have seen dynamic growth over the years.