ALTEO is a Hungarian-owned energy service and trading company with a modern mindset. The scope of its business activities include the production and trade of energy from renewable energy carriers and natural gas, as well as energy services and development customized to individual corporate needs.
The Company provides a reliable and environmentally responsible energy supply based on the sustainable use of renewable energy to its costumers, which include small and medium-sized Hungarian enterprises as well as large corporations. Due to its own, optimally designed assets and control center, the company provides the most innovative services of the highest quality to its partners. In recent years, innovative business sectors such as e-mobility, waste management and scheduling have been added to this range, where aspects of the circular economy are even more prevalent.
As a dynamically growing company committed to sustainability, ALTEO is constantly looking for investment and expansion opportunities, thereby increasing shareholder value in a sustainable fashion.


Registered office

Owners (as at 24 January 2023)
73,79% MOL RES Investments Zrt, Riverland Private Equity Fund and Phoenix Private Equity Fund
26,21% Free float*(*Outside of management)

Issued capital (*Share capital, ALTEO Plc., as at 30 June 2022)

Revenue (as at 31 December 2021)

Number of employees (as at 30 June 2022)