In 2022, we created the ALTEO Sustainability Strategy with the involvement of the Group’s stakeholders, employees, partners and customers in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the EU and UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In line with the Strategy, we also compiled our detailed CSR program at the start of 2023, with the following focal points:
• producing real social value,
• supporting local communities,
• volunteering among employees
• and promoting responsibility.
We have involved our employees in the strategy formulation process from the beginning - in 2021 and 2022, we ran a multi-round survey among them on sustainability and HSE culture.
According to their feedback, they would like to take on a bigger, active role in CSR programs and volunteer campaigns in the future!
We are proud to announce that our volunteer days resulting from the process have already been a great success in the first year: more than 60 colleagues took part in the 2022 events.
The crux of our ESG approach is fostering initiatives that support local communities, as well as cultivating closer relationships and long-term partnerships with civil involvement.
As a responsible employer, our Group built its CSR strategy on OUR FOLLOWING VALUES:
• Sustainability, ESG aspects
• Environmental protection, renewable energy
• Employee health protection
• Employee commitment and initiatives


The creation and implementation of these programs has been carried out with the professional support of Civil Impact Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.