For power plants utilizing renewable energy sources
As of April 1, 2020, the settlement of the scheduling deviations of the members of the mandatory offtake system (KÁT) balancing group underwent a major change, and this resulted a considerable burden to the affected producers. Under the brand name Sinergy, ALTEO is introducing a smart, comprehensive and risk-free scheduling service that provides a solution to the challenges faced by producers.
Strict requirements for exact scheduling pose considerable challenges, espicially for smaller-size power plant owners, investors and operators, and such challenges may exceed their realistically available resources. As a result of the transformation of the KÁT surcharge fee settlement process, producers and scheduling groups are obligated to pay the balancing energy fees caused in proportion to the deviation from the planned schedule. For this reason - as well as for reasons of economy of scale -, they are advised to entrust their scheduling activity to be managed by third party experts. This is what ALTEO subsidiary Sinergy Energiakereskedő Kft. offers a solution to.