The environment and social responsibility play a key role in ALTEO’s strategy. We attach high importance to encouraging future generations and our partners to follow the sustainability principles in their actions.

We take every opportunity to share these principles with our partners, colleagues, and the public. To this end, we are and have been constantly taking advantage of opportunities to address not only our partners, but also a much wider audience. Examples of such cooperation include educational videos posted on YouTube and filmed with ALTEO staff at ALTEO sites, as well as sustainability-related exhibitions or other forums.

In the context of the COVID pandemic, we are increasingly using online programs, expert talks, and events to showcase the wide range of experts who add high quality value to the areas of sustainability, energy, and the circular economy, aside from the ALTEO Group's organization.

A few examples:

Episodes of the Körforgásban (In Circulation) podcast:

Climate risk and its measurement (guest: Dóri Fazekas, Cambridge Econometrics)

Circular economy 1.0 (guest: Ákos Lukács, Deloitte)

Circular economy 2.0 (guest: Gábor Bartus, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, National Council for Sustainable Development)

PR for Climate (guest: Beatrix Szabó ALTEO's Director of Sustainability and HSE and Krisztina Bombera journalist

The country's biggest engine

What happens in the solar park when the sun is not shining:

Planet Budapest 2021 Expo

Energiában gondolkodunk.
