Nature is not our property: we have to pass it on to our children as we were given.

Oscar Wilde
A company which does not practice what it preaches is not and cannot be taken seriously by partners and customers. This is one of the reasons why in 2017 we started on compiling and publishing our first Sustainability Report. We have not stopped in this effort since and, progressing to a new level in 2019, we now publish our report on the financial and non-financial results of the preceding year in the form of an integrated report. Each year, a key part of our integrated report is our non-financial statement, prepared at the ‘Core’ level, based on the most widely-used international GRI Standards Guidelines and certified by a third party. In these reports, we attempt to present the Company's operation in clear and understandable fashion, while reporting on the most important sustainability-related result and measures of recent years, while also formulating objectives that we plan to accomplish down the line to ensure that ALTEO Group’s operation is increasingly sustainable in both the short and long-run.
Based on the experiences of recent years, this year again saw us compile a comprehensive document that is, without a doubt, forward-thinking and hopefully presents an example to follow for actors of the Hungarian energy sector, while also providing useful information on the Group’s operation to both the industry and our investors.