Energy leaders

As a thoughtful and forward-looking company and an innovative brand, it is our vision to deliver sustainable business benefits for our partners with the best energy solutions available today and become a company of the future by joining forces.

Members of the Audit Committee are:

Dr. Ákos Székely
President of the Audit Committee
Dr. Ákos Székely is an economist and has been the CFO of the MOL Group and its subsidiaries since 2013. From 2013 to 2015 he was CFO of Moltrans, Petrolszolg, SMAO, SlovnaftTrans and Geoinform, and later of TVK/MOL Petrochemicals, and was acting CFO of MOL Hungary. He then joined the INA Group as CFO in February 2016, where he was responsible for Finance and IT. Dr. Ákos Székely holds a degree in economics from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration, majoring in economics and management, and a Ph.D. from the Corvinus University of Budapest.

Péter Kaderják
Member of the Audit Committee
Mr. Kaderják graduated as an economist from the Budapest University of Economics, where he started his career as a research assistant and later became an assistant professor. In 1998 he was appointed Chief of Cabinet at the Ministry of Economy. From the 2000s onwards, he took a leading role in the Hungarian energy market – as President of the Hungarian Energy Agency from 2002 to 2003, and then headed the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) for fourteen years from its establishment. From 2018 to 2021, he served as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy. Mr. Kaderják has a unique experience in green economy and energy issues, with numerous scientific publications to his name.

Márton Oláh
Member of the Audit Committee
Márton Oláh has 25 years of experience in the capital and banking markets. He started his career at Creditanstalt Értékpapír Zrt., was Trading Director of CAIB Értékpapír Zrt. from 1998 to 2004 and Managing Director of HVB Bank from 2004 to 2006. From 2008 to 2016 he was a member of the Board of Directors of BIF Nyrt. and Managing Director of the Futurmed Group. From 2008 to 2015, he was a member of the Investment Committee of Central-Fund Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt. From 2015 to 2017, he held senior positions within the FHB Bank Group: in 2015, he was appointed Deputy CEO and then CEO of FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., and in parallel, from the beginning of 2015, he was appointed CEO and member of the Board of Directors of FHB Bank Zrt. In these positions, he was responsible, among other things, for coordinating the activities between FHB and the Takarék Group and for increasing the bank's competitiveness. During his professional career, Márton Oláh has also been involved in the management of the fund manager Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt.: Between 2010 and 2017, he was Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the fund manager; from April 2021 he was responsible for the development of the fund manager as CEO for 1 year; from March 2022 he continued his professional work as a member of the Board of Directors of Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt.