From 1 November 2023, the tax number of ALTEO NYRT will change!

ALTEO celebrated its best ever result with a new strategy

ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt., as the representative of the ALTEO VAT Group (registered office: 1033 Budapest, Kórház utca 6-12.; company registration number: Cg.01-10-045985 “ALTEO Nyrt.”)

we inform our Dear Partners of the following.

The tax numbers of the members of the VAT group will change as of 1 November 2023 due to the creation of the VAT group as per the annex.

What you need to do

Please record the above changes in your records, in particular in your customer and supplier partner databases and in your customer databases, as of 1 November 2023.

If you issue an invoice to us: for VAT due dates issued after 1 November 2023 and starting on 1 November 2023, you must indicate both the group VAT number and the individual VAT number on the invoice.

If both tax numbers are not indicated or are incomplete, the invoice cannot be accepted!

Apart from the change of our tax number, there have been no other changes to our company details or contact details.


Group name: Group VAT represented by ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.

Group identification number: 17783893-5-44

 Group Community tax number: HU17783893

 Group members and their individual tax numbers:



Domestic- Domestic Community procurement
ALTEO VAT group membership start Group identification number Unique tax number Group Community identification number
1 ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 14292615-4-44 HU17783893
2 ALTE-A Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 14376364-4-41 HU17783893
3 ALTE-GO Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 24262602-4-41 HU17783893
4 ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 23720448-4-44 HU17783893
5 ALTEO-Depónia Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 14492664-4-41 HU17783893
6 ALTEO-Therm Hő- és Villamosenergia-termelő Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 11675341-4-44 HU17783893
7 Domaszék 2MW Naperőmű Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 25491643-4-41 HU17783893
8 ALTE-GAS Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 25982499-4-41 HU17783893
(Changes 2024.05.28, old company name: ECO-FIRST Hulladék Kereskedelmi Kft.)
9 EDELYN SOLAR Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 27783533-4-41 HU17783893
10 Energikum Energetikai Zrt. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 25013827-4-41 HU17783893
11 Energigas Kft.   –  adószám: 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 13031613-4-41 HU17783893
12 EURO GREEN ENERGY Fejlesztő és Szolgáltató Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 13168690-4-41 HU17783893
13 FE-GROUP INVEST Zrt. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 12238178-4-42 HU17783893
14 Monsolar Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 25838060-4-41 HU17783893
15 Pannon Szélerőmű Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 12668850-4-41 HU17783893
16 Sinergy Energiaszolgáltató Beruházó és Tanácsadó Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 11865865-4-41 HU17783893
17 Sinergy Energiakereskedő Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 24715179-4-44 HU17783893
18 SUNTEO Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 24248088-4-41 HU17783893
19 Tisza-WTP Vízelőkészítő és Szolgáltató Kft. 2023.11.01 17783893-5-44 12905971-4-05 HU17783893
20 ARTEMIS Technologies Zrt. non member 32689758-2-41 HU32689758
21 Aerope Holding Kft. non member 27551671-2-41 HU27551671
22 Energy Corp Hungary Megújuló Energia Hasznosító Kft. non member 12774120-2-41 HU12774120
23 Mov-R H1 Szélerőmű Megújuló Energia Hasznositó Kft. non member 13541655-2-41 HU13541655

* from 1 January 2024!!!!
