Please be informed that in order to simplify the ownership structure of the ALTEO Group, certain assets of Sinergy Kft. will come under the ownership of ALTEO Nyrt. as of 1 October 2018. If your contract with Sinergy Kft is affected by this change, Sinergy KFT will inform you of any further required actions in a separate notice, by individual and personalized letter by post. Persuant to the notice please issue your invoices and performance certificates to ALTEO Nyrt. instead of Sinergy Kft. from 1 October 2018. You can read more information about this legal event in ALTEO Nyrt’s 2018 annual general meeting reports, as well as in Chapter 127 (“Notices”) of Sinergy Kft’s corporate documents, starting on page 50.
Sinergy Kft’s corporate document - 2018.09.24.
For checking the new group structure, please go on the following page Group structure