ALTEO - MOL Petrolkémia: TVK Erőmű
Investment: Implementation of the TVK industrial power plant, long-term operation and maintenance of the power plant
Customer: TVK-Erőmű kft.
Investment amount: EUR 53.4 million
Project implementation period: 2002 – 2004
Project implementation site: Tiszaújváros, MOL Petrolkémia Zrt.
MOL Petrolkémia Zrt. is a leading chemical company in Central Europe. As a result of the high energy and water demand of chemical processes, it is one of the largest heat and desalinated water consumers in Hungary.
In order to reduce energy costs, and considering the decommissioning of the nearby Tiszapalkonya power plant, MOL Petrolkémia Zrt. founded TVK-Erőmű Kft. in cooperation with Észak-magyarországi Áramszolgáltató Nyrt. in 2001 planned to implement an industrial power plant investment project.
Sinergy Kft. (part of the ALTEO Group since May 2015) participated in the development of the investment project as a technical and financial expert. The ALTEO Group currently conducts the operation and maintenance of the power plant with its own staff based on a long-term contract.
The power plant is based on a combined-cycle unit consisting of a gas turbine, a co-fired heat recovery steam boiler and a condensing steam turbine. In addition, three subsidiary boilers provide backup and peak steam production capacity.
The power plant covers the entire steam demand of MOL Petrolkémia Zrt., supplies its heating system and produces a significant part of its electricity demand. Moreover, it also provides steam to Mol Nyrt’s Tisza Refinery.