ALTEO - BorsodChem Zrt: BC Erőmű
Investment: Development of the BorsodChem industrial power plant, long-term operation and maintenance of the power plant
Customer: BC Erőmű Kft.
Investment amount: EUR 44 million
Project implementation period: 2000–2001
Project implementation site: Kazincbarcika, BorsodChem Zrt.
In 1999 BorsodChem Zrt, a leading chemical company in Central Europe, founded BC-Erőmű Kft. in collaboration with ÉMÁSZ Nyrt. and MOL Nyrt. to build a high-performance industrial power plant in order to cover its increasing power and steam demand at affordable energy costs.
Sinergy Kft. (which is part of ALTEO since May 2015), participated in the development of the investment project. ALTEO currently conducts the operation and maintenance of the power plant based on a long-term contract. The power plant consists of two gas turbines and two co-fired heat recovery steam boilers. The gas turbines and the recovery boilers are fired exclusively with natural gas. If the gas turbines stop, two backup boilers will provide the required amount of steam.
Investment: Development, long-term operation and maintenance of a steam boiler plant for BorsodChem including the related investment
Customer: BorsodChem Zrt.
Project company: BC-Therm Kft.
Investment amount: EUR 17 million
Project implementation period: 2008 – 2009
Project implementation site: Kazincbarcika, BorsodChem Zrt.
BorsodChem Zrt. is a leading producer of petrochemical and plastic base materials in Central and Eastern Europe. Taking into account continuously increasing steam demand and future technological developments, and in order to improve security of supply, BorsodChem management, decided to install a new heat generation unit and invited Sinergy Kft. to realize the investment and operate on it for the long term. To carry out the investment project, Sinergy established BC-Therm Kft., a project company in which it had 100% ownership. The new heat generation unit ensures steam supply for BorsodChem on a 12-year contract. The facility is operated by Sinergy with its own staff. The investment project involved the installation of a steam boiler and related auxiliary equipment and the extension of the steam pipeline. In addition to the requirement for high availability, further basic requirements applicable to the boiler included the ability to start and continue operation of the existing gas and electricity supply systems independently in order to minimise potential emergencies. In 2011, BorsodChem Zrt. and BC-Therm Kft. modified the completed Facility to be able use the hydrogen produced in BC Zrt’s plants, to fire the boiler and produce steam (Hydrogen Project). After successful operating tests the steam production with hydrogen combustion was re-launched, on 15 December 2011.
Type: SGBO-125
Steam output: 110 t / h
Outlet steam temperature: 370 ºC
Kilépô gőznyomás: 30 bar(g)
Outlet steam pressure: 93,2%