A közel 2 megawattos domaszéki naperőmű-egység évente 2400-2600 megawattóra áramot termel.

After acquisition, alteo increase its portfolio with photovoltaic power plant

At the beginning of December 2017, ALTEO Group closed the deal of acquiring Domaszék 2MW Kft. to become the owner of nearly 2 megawatt photovoltaic power plants at Domaszék near Szeged - the first operating solar unit in the ALTEO Group’s power plant portfolio.
Első Fenntarthatósági Jelentésünk a Deloitte Magyarország Zöld Béka Díját kapta meg.

Alteo’s sustainability report wins Deloitte’s Green Frog Award

ALTEO had compiled a comprehensive Sustainability Report for the first time this year, which won the first place in the best first report category of Deloitte Hungary's Green Frog Award.
A vállalati papírok nyolcadolásáról döntött a 2017. november 8-án megartott közgyűlésén az ALTEO.

ALTEO divides its shares by one to eight

ALTEO Group's parent company, ALTEO Plc., held an extraordinary General Meeting on November 8 2017, on which the shareholders decided to divide the company’s share by one to eight without any changes in the capital funds.